Sunday 13 September 2009

What should be noted buying second-hand laptop?

What should be noted buying second-hand laptop?

With the advantages of small portable notebooks, has been oft-favored. Although compared to before the prices of notebook computers laptop battery a lot, but still relatively expensive, and many friends who regarded the limited budget, attention turned to second-hand notebook market. However, since the origins of second-hand notebook computers complex, new and different fineness and sell notebook business has no shortage of blowing its own trumpet, so to select second-hand notebook computers have become a big problem. Here the author briefly a few selected second-hand notebook attention, want to help you purchase.

Note that battery life a matter of time

Laptop computer battery is the source of life, but also in notebook computers Apple M8403 Battery, one of the fastest-aging components, the majority of currently available second-hand laptop are using the product two to three years, while an ordinary lithium batteries used in After two to three years will be more or less the appearance of aging, and some life only 1 hour. Some merchants will be replaced before the sale of second-hand laptop battery batteries, the surface appears to extend the battery life time, but this is a desirable behavior, because the notebook battery pack's internal structure and circuitry are more complicated, Replacement batteries battery had a greater chance of failure, and it is the use of a few days later when the battery performance dropped dramatically and may even be damaged laptop body, it is not recommended to purchase replacement batteries for notebooks too.

Of course, if you buy a notebook computer Apple M7318 Battery is just used as a fixed, but also the aspects of link power, then the battery problem becomes less important, you can stand more than an hour of battery does fit in as a UPS power supply to use it.

Screen shaft can not be ignored

In addition to tablet computers, almost every laptop should have this screen shaft, and shaft is also a notebook computer each time you use must be worn mechanical parts, so wear and tear is also a second-hand laptop screen hinge selection an important issue. If the shaft too loose, it would be very awkward to use laptops.

Elastic shaft can not be hidden, consumers can be seen directly, but those are usually sold with notebook JS "a song that can be adjusted tight" as an excuse to deceive consumers. Some laptop screen hinge loose can indeed be adjusted by adjusting the screws, but most of the laptop screen is not adjustable shaft, when the shaft after the middle of the damping material wear and tear, only to replace the entire shaft. Even those who can adjust the notebook, because the damping material has been worn, there is no much time to become loose again. Imagine a laptop screen in the course of a sudden collapse PowerBook G3 Battery that would be how the feel.

Highlights of the screen, dead pixels, and dark spots

LCD screen bright and dead pixels many consumers are still more familiar, but for the dark spots on the screen is not everyone know of. Dark spots more subtle than the bright and dead pixels, and more affecting normal use. Dark soy classes are so small, big, big thumbs may have a big, bright and dark spots with different dark class just a little local color become darker, do not pay attention have been observed under the light colored not come out, and replaced with dark colors Apple PowerBook G4 Battery Background impossible to detect. The formation of dark classes There are two main reasons, first because of external compression caused by the small size of such a dark spot in the middle color depth, the outer layer of some relatively normal, in the thin and light notebooks become more common. Another is because the LCD screen dark spots caused by aging, such a relatively large area of dark spots, but also likely to continue to deteriorate. Because the color of dark spots is only slightly more than the surrounding deep, and therefore can easily be specially designed hidden away off the desktop. So, when in the selection of notebooks for a few more background test machine, or use a professional testing software to check, for example, Noika Ntest, it can find highlights, color cast and so on.

In addition, LCD brightness is also a natural decline in second-hand notebook computers a common problem, generally can not be avoided, not very clear if you can accept, but if found to Apple PowerBook G4 15inch Battery LCD panel has been obviously yellow is not the best option.

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