Wednesday 2 September 2009

The number of more than 10 million Sony batteries recalled an open bow and apologize

Laptop is equal to a bomb ready to explode? Notebook computers Hp Pavilion XZ200 battery can inadvertently when you burn? Even more unacceptable is that laptops are really the same as dangerous goods? Some of these appear to lay before the problem, if you understand a bit about the situation, I believe you had promptly causes will pass the buck to Sony, because in this very easy to face the same logic, and now is that the people accused of notebook computer industry, while the notebook the computer industry is full accountability on the Sony.

Notebook computers, whether or combustion explosion, people's eyes were cast to the battery, but in reality, under the Sony is to blame, after all, far too many instances have proved that almost all notebook computers deflagration time associated that white is now a blot on the notebook computer industry because the Sony is almost derived from, but so was really just flat do? Especially when laptop battery several leaders of Sony's press conference to apologize publicly announced when the "party's" number of notebook manufacturers have an apology to consumers?

The number of Sony batteries recalled over 10 million!

According to foreign media reports, one week, Sony and the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) announced that it will once again recall produced more than 3.42 million Sony laptop batteries recalled due to the same due to the existence of the battery Hp Pavilion ZT1100 battery itself, overheating or fire risks, while driven by the number of the recalled Sony batteries recalled total jumped more than 13 million, close to 14 million ......

In more than 13 million of orders of magnitude before, I believe that even Sony themselves did not think, because, according to its previous projections, but will be 10 million, while the result was more than 13 million, can not but say is the creation of a cross-bank industry, "miracle", but this "miracle" too shocking and unacceptable, but in the face of reality, how can people like?

According to statistics, at present to join the ranks of the recall of notebook computer makers are already more than 11, while the recall list came in first place is still the DELL, of course, recall the amount of "total top spot" on the ride is still the Sony themselves Hp Omnibook XT1000 battery . Objectively speaking, regardless of the next vendor who announced the recall, which is not its a good thing, but consumers are concerned, but is worth celebrating, because it is the reality, which more than 1300 10000 batteries may be more than 1300 million notebook computers, as soon as possible eliminate the most important.

Sony several "chiefs" bow apologize

Earlier this month, Sony, due to involvement in the "battery door incident," those who carried out its internal reorganization, the specific that the whole appliance business from the jurisdiction of the hands of President Ryoji Chubachi, all handed over to the Vice President Katsumi Ihara, scheduled to be promoted to the parts business to executive vice president for the second Yutaka Nakagawa, executive director responsible for the detailed division of responsibilities is Katsumi Ihara will not only fully in charge of the household appliances business, will be responsible for personal computer and camera Hp Omnibook XT1500 battery business, not only Yutaka Nakagawa be responsible for core components such as semiconductors and battery business, but also to strengthen the field of spare parts (including the lithium-ion battery) the quality of management.

After a reorganization of insiders, people seem to see the Sony should have come after fallen courage and power, but in the next recall from the ever-increasing number of children and problems in front of the quantity of batteries, Sony will change the internal reorganization does not seem to bring any of their "good luck", especially when it announced that it will once again recall that more than 340 million pieces of defective batteries after a few Sony's great "chiefs" finally this week 2 (10 24) of the Foreign press conference to apologize publicly to the outside world bow ......

In the October 24 press conference inside the hotel in Tokyo, the Sony's digital imaging business group president Yutaka Nakagawa, senior vice president and the original Kigurashi and honest and direct apology to the history of a collective bow to the outside world and to acknowledge that it is precisely because the battery recall incident, Sony has brought trouble to the customer. But rather is the meaning of the three head of Sony's external bow and apologize while later, then there are Hp F2019 battery the media and commentators have criticized the apology of some of Sony's high-level "water", because the Sony's high-level way of apology, and got up and did not take deep bow of the way, just sit tight and just nodded his head bowed to apologize.

In all fairness, regardless of their bow and apologize for Sony's high-level whether it is from the heart, it is clear is that Sony's since caught in "battery-door event" since the attitude of the outside during the transformation step by step, until the internal high-level change will present a public apology to the outside world, but also very realistic, even if its internal leadership and external recognition for any mistakes, on the negative results of the whole thing is not there a fundamental change, in particular, yes yes right notebook computer industry, because its problems caused by the battery industry shocks still continue, it really is not an apology can be terrible for!

Little change in the battery before

Regardless of the quantity of the battery recall one million or 10 million, and also regardless of the children most affected by the negative is the notebook computer Hp F2019A battery industry, or Sony's own, one thing is very real, that is, to the relevant product market The negative impact is difficult to eliminate in a short time, especially for consumers concerned, whether the laptop is only because of Sony's exploding batteries, certain aspects of this product, "vigilance" is very realistic, and this kinds of "guard" is likely to become consumers purchase and use of this product in the future when the "primary elements."

For those laptop manufacturers, the Sony battery-door event is very real to each other a lesson, it is not only in the parts should go on a buying value, "wholesale price", should strictly control the quality of the procurement phase of the pass, co-operation, especially in the face of an object, they should have a doubt the courage, or else may be losing their quality and their jobs, for example, in this case where the parties to the manufacturers Who can say that the point that he has absolute Hp F2019B battery responsibility not? In particular, those who know that their defective batteries used in notebook computer manufacturers worries were completely put the blame on Sony too is not "generous attempts of" it?

For now, due to involvement in the Sony "battery door incident," notebook computer industry, the shock is obvious, especially with the battery accessories related aspects, it is clear that many people want to see moving in the direction of the , for example, battery accessories or a notebook computer machine price hikes.

More than 1300 million batteries have been changed and what did not have to say anything, whether in Sony's own or related Hp OmniBook 6000 battery industries on the market and vendors consumers, the event under the respective state of mind perhaps only that it is most clearly. Of course, there will be pregnant grief, and only in this case music also up, certainly would be "disgraced the Christians," but all who Qiexi look on it?

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