Wednesday 11 November 2009

A new battery after lithium battery: Lithium - the first practical air batteries

A new battery after lithium battery: Lithium - the first practical air batteries

Lithium - the concept of air batteries have long brought up. Because the positive use of oxygen in the air laptop battery as the active material, so in theory the capacity of positive density is infinite, can increase the capacity. In addition, if the use of lithium metal anode, theoretical capacity than lithium-ion rechargeable battery to improve a few.

In addition, the industry has also been other attempts, while still using an organic solvent, but different is a new composition to improve the energy density of batteries. This is the lithium - air batteries. In this attempt, the Japanese Institute of Industrial Science and Technology and Japan Society for the Promotion has developed a new structure of lithium - air batteries.

However, lithium - air batteries, so far none of popularity. The reason is there is a fatal flaw, namely, reaction products of solid lithium oxide (Li2O) accumulate in the anode, so that the electrolyte had been cut off contact with the air, leading to discharge stops.

Made in Japan & Research Institute is divided into two kinds of electrolyte solution through this problem. In the negative BTP-APJ1 (lithium) side of the use of organic electrolyte in the cathode (air) side of the use of water-based electrolyte. Set between the two electrolyte lithium-ion only through the solid electrolyte membrane, to divide them. This will prevent the electrolyte mixture, and to promote the battery react.

Use of lithium metal anode. Cathode is used in combination with the electrolyte containing organic lithium salt electrolyte. Although we can not abandon the organic solvent, but it limits the use. Water-based alkaline electrolyte cathode using water-soluble gel, and after the micro-based catalyst for the formation of oxides of carbon and low-cost combination of the positive.

In the cell, generated by the discharge reaction is not a solid Li2O, but easily dissolved in the aqueous electrolyte in the LiOH (lithium hydroxide). Therefore, the oxidation of lithium accumulation in the air after the electrode does not lead to work was stopped. In addition, water and nitrogen through the solid electrolyte and will not next door, so there is no place with a lithium metal anode reaction risk. Moreover, in charge, if the configuration-specific positive charge, but also conductive to prevent charge-induced corrosion and aging of the air BTP-AQJ1 electrode.

To 0.1A / g discharge rate of discharge, the discharge capacity of about 9000mAh / g. The previous lithium - air battery discharge capacity of only 700 ~ 3000mAh / g, can be said to achieve a substantial increase in capacity.

In addition, if the use of aqueous solution to replace the water-soluble gel can be in the air to 0.1A / g discharge rate of continuous discharge for 20 days, the discharge capacity of about 50000 mAh / g, a number higher than the original. As the lithium metal battery capacity than lithium-ion battery had a high a number, so the value of a total of more than lithium-ion rechargeable batteries high double-digit. High performance solution, but in ease of use even better on the gel. In the future need to consider which of these two, one for BTP-ARJ1 development.

This technology could also consider a simple to use rechargeable batteries of different ways. If no battery charging, but replace the cathode through the aqueous base electrolyte, card boxes, etc. in order to recharge the lithium metal anode, cars will be no need to charge waiting time, immediately running. Through the recycling of used water-based electrolyte, the electric means to regenerate lithium, but also achieve the repeated use of lithium. It can be said is a new type of lithium-fueled A42-A3 fuel cells.

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