Wednesday 11 November 2009

The largest proportion of new energy automotive batteries cost advantage of China's prominent

The largest proportion of new energy automotive batteries cost advantage of China's prominent

November 9, Roland Berger officially released on the global prospects for new energy vehicles the latest research report for the first time laptop battery the reference to global hybrid and electric vehicle components, development prospects, which in 2020 China's power-driven assembly parts The total market value of ultra-10 billion euros. Power-driven assembly components including plug-in hybrid and pure electric vehicles, power electronic systems, batteries and electric motors, and generators, transmissions and other components.

Zhang Yi senior consultant Roland Berger in an interview said that based on the forecast the next 10 years, Chinese enterprises in the future hybrid and electric vehicles an edge developments in the field, in particular, the core components, including battery area great potential for development because China's enterprises have the raw material cost advantages, manufacturing equipment and labor cost advantages, which will China in the field of electric vehicles provide the basis for the development by leaps and bounds.

2020: the Chinese market second only to Western Europe

According to Roland Berger predicted TravelMate 2300 that by 2020 will be the major markets in Western Europe, electric vehicles and plug-in hybrids will be more than 3 million annual sales, China ranked second to reach 1.58 million units.

With electric cars and plug-in hybrid vehicle growth, associated spare parts industries will also expand rapidly. The report shows that in 2020, Western Europe, the United States, Japan and China as the main force of the global hybrid, electric vehicle parts and components market will grow rapidly. From different market segments are forecast by 2020, Western Europe's market value will be more than 22 billion euros; from 2011 to 2020 between the United States from the Optimal Estimation of total market capitalization of 2.4 billion euros to 16.5 billion euros; the Japanese market will also be a significant growth in exports of non-cases, from 800 million up to 38 billion euros.

It is noteworthy that by 2020, China's electric power drive assembly parts and components market worth 10 billion euros super. Among them, 2011, 2014 and 2017, total market value of 600 million, respectively, 2.4 billion and 56 billion euros, the estimated market value of the middle in 2020 will reach 6.5 billion euros, even a conservative estimate Aspire 1680 will reach 24 million euros.

In addition, the electric drive assembly parts and their corresponding system requirements will change the current automotive industry value chain. Among them, auto value chain, including raw materials, spare parts manufacturing, vehicle integration and assembly, infrastructure construction and energy supply, and mobile services in five areas.

In the raw material production, due to increased demand for certain raw materials, such as rare earth, lithium carbonate, etc., the supply side needs to be a whole into the technology strategy; spare parts manufacturing, as the new power systems, as well as other components of the electronic components, single - Body battery manufacturers will face consolidation.

Vehicle integration and assembly, due to the integration of the different requirements of in-house production to shift the focus, the brand needs to be redefined, new services and new competitors will join them; infrastructure and energy supply, new energy and new energy supplies technology, and infrastructure construction of the new potential will also change; mobility services, potential new business models and products will be available to customers.

In short, the electric cars all aspects of the value chain for existing Aspire 1410 and future opportunities for growth offered by competitors, OEMs and suppliers have the opportunity to expand their operations in the value chain.

Market share: Battery maximum

With the plug-in hybrids, electric cars all the related parts and components in 2020, the battery components in the global market share in the largest share of the market size in 9600000000-297 euros between. Now that the Chinese suppliers and Japan, South Korea, North America, Europe, the supplier has a significant cost advantage compared to, so in the future the standard battery in quality, longevity and price differences will become increasingly smaller.

At present, most Western suppliers from the United States or Japan to buy the expensive production of lithium-ion battery production equipment, because the quality requirements are very high, they have no other choice, while Chinese manufacturers are already non-essential production processes used in the production of local development equipment, because China's relatively low labor costs, but also to replace some machines with artificial chains of production.

The cost of lithium batteries depends on the source material, isolation layer and the lithium iron phosphate lithium battery is the most expensive part of the material means that the further development of higher yields per kilogram, which formed in economies of scale and production cost of the combination of reduce the possibility of creating TravelMate 4500 a lot.

With regard to the price of lithium batteries, with an increasingly competitive and production continues to expand, Roland Berger Strategy Consultants estimated the cost of lithium-ion batteries in 2011-2012 fell to around 400 euros per kilowatt-hour. In the long run, will fall further, up to 200 euros per kilowatt-hour or less.

However, even assuming that the price of the battery 200 euros per kilowatt-hour, an assembly of 20 kwh battery electric vehicles the additional costs of at least 5000-6000 euros. As always, tax incentives will be in the early stages of market development play an important role.

Roland Berger believes that demand for electric vehicle batteries will be the future of lithium the main source of output growth is expected by 2020 there will be eye-catching 70% of the average annual compound growth rate. Despite the significant growth in demand, but because of higher reserves, experts do not believe that the production of lithium will be a shortage, but there might be a price increase in the risk of a temporary existence.

2020 lithium-ion battery electric capacity will be doubled to extend LCBTP03003 the electrical endurance in the long run, electric cars and plug-in hybrid costs and the gap between internal combustion engine driven vehicles will be lower than 5000 euros, considering all of the use of costs, taxes and subsidies, the total cost of ownership of electric vehicles in 2015 may be lower than internal combustion engine driven vehicle.

Zhang Yi told reporters that, in general, the battery is to determine the electric cars and plug-in hybrids the most critical factor in the success of the recent technological improvements seem to have eliminated the use of lithium-ion batteries the biggest obstacle, but other key areas to be improved, To obtain a large number of markets, corporate R & D and production technologies but also to invest a lot of money. "When the battery costs less than 5000 euros, Aspire 1300 everything will be possible.

A new battery after lithium battery: Lithium - the first practical air batteries

A new battery after lithium battery: Lithium - the first practical air batteries

Lithium - the concept of air batteries have long brought up. Because the positive use of oxygen in the air laptop battery as the active material, so in theory the capacity of positive density is infinite, can increase the capacity. In addition, if the use of lithium metal anode, theoretical capacity than lithium-ion rechargeable battery to improve a few.

In addition, the industry has also been other attempts, while still using an organic solvent, but different is a new composition to improve the energy density of batteries. This is the lithium - air batteries. In this attempt, the Japanese Institute of Industrial Science and Technology and Japan Society for the Promotion has developed a new structure of lithium - air batteries.

However, lithium - air batteries, so far none of popularity. The reason is there is a fatal flaw, namely, reaction products of solid lithium oxide (Li2O) accumulate in the anode, so that the electrolyte had been cut off contact with the air, leading to discharge stops.

Made in Japan & Research Institute is divided into two kinds of electrolyte solution through this problem. In the negative BTP-APJ1 (lithium) side of the use of organic electrolyte in the cathode (air) side of the use of water-based electrolyte. Set between the two electrolyte lithium-ion only through the solid electrolyte membrane, to divide them. This will prevent the electrolyte mixture, and to promote the battery react.

Use of lithium metal anode. Cathode is used in combination with the electrolyte containing organic lithium salt electrolyte. Although we can not abandon the organic solvent, but it limits the use. Water-based alkaline electrolyte cathode using water-soluble gel, and after the micro-based catalyst for the formation of oxides of carbon and low-cost combination of the positive.

In the cell, generated by the discharge reaction is not a solid Li2O, but easily dissolved in the aqueous electrolyte in the LiOH (lithium hydroxide). Therefore, the oxidation of lithium accumulation in the air after the electrode does not lead to work was stopped. In addition, water and nitrogen through the solid electrolyte and will not next door, so there is no place with a lithium metal anode reaction risk. Moreover, in charge, if the configuration-specific positive charge, but also conductive to prevent charge-induced corrosion and aging of the air BTP-AQJ1 electrode.

To 0.1A / g discharge rate of discharge, the discharge capacity of about 9000mAh / g. The previous lithium - air battery discharge capacity of only 700 ~ 3000mAh / g, can be said to achieve a substantial increase in capacity.

In addition, if the use of aqueous solution to replace the water-soluble gel can be in the air to 0.1A / g discharge rate of continuous discharge for 20 days, the discharge capacity of about 50000 mAh / g, a number higher than the original. As the lithium metal battery capacity than lithium-ion battery had a high a number, so the value of a total of more than lithium-ion rechargeable batteries high double-digit. High performance solution, but in ease of use even better on the gel. In the future need to consider which of these two, one for BTP-ARJ1 development.

This technology could also consider a simple to use rechargeable batteries of different ways. If no battery charging, but replace the cathode through the aqueous base electrolyte, card boxes, etc. in order to recharge the lithium metal anode, cars will be no need to charge waiting time, immediately running. Through the recycling of used water-based electrolyte, the electric means to regenerate lithium, but also achieve the repeated use of lithium. It can be said is a new type of lithium-fueled A42-A3 fuel cells.

Tuesday 10 November 2009

Should give priority to the development of small electric vehicles, pure electric vehicles of Industry Development Strategy (b)

Should give priority to the development of small electric vehicles, pure electric vehicles of Industry Development Strategy (b)

Professional Committee of China Electronic Chamber of Commerce Power Power Lithium-ion battery system working committee money Yoshikuni

Mechanical Science and Research Institute of Advanced Manufacturing Technology Research Center, Xiao Yaling

Abstract: This paper in the "load power lithium-ion batteries for laptop battery electric cars Economic Analysis," a text, based on the technical status, vehicle costs, in terms of operating costs and other economic considerations, the development of small electric vehicles conditions are basically ripe. Put forward the public energy supply system in electric vehicle support, the use of battery-lease model, with small pure electric vehicles as the starting point, focusing on promoting the development of small electric vehicles, should moderate the development of urban pure electric bus electric car industry thinking.

At the national industrial policy and science and technology project focuses on support, through "95", "15" and "Eleventh Five-Year," the sustainable development of China's electric car key technologies, key components and industrial development have made a breakthrough in .

National Automotive Industry Promotion planning the release of energy-saving and new energy vehicle market access and financial subsidies policy implementation, "10 City 1000" project fully operational, has opened a scale of China's electric vehicle applications and a prelude to the rapid development of industrialization of . The development of electric vehicles into a rare historical opportunity. Electric car industry has become the development of energy-saving emission reduction industry, the focus of concern. The new peak period of the development of electric vehicles has begun. Recalling the ups and downs of China's electric car development process, it is necessary to seriously sum up historical experience and lessons, adhere to actively promote a prudent decision-making, the steady BTP-60A1 implementation of the scientific attitude to promote the health of China's electric vehicle industry, rapid and sustainable development.

10 years of experience has shown that the electric car industry is a complex system engineering. If the lack of technical feasibility and economic viability assessments under the premise of blind behavior, may not only result in harm to the enterprises themselves, but also for electric vehicles have serious negative impact on industrial development, and may even lose the advantages have been obtained.

At present, some units with no right of technical feasibility and economic feasibility analysis and demonstration, by itself, a number of subjective assumptions and deliberately optimized rhetoric, that is blindly jumped into the electric car industry, the development of a flood of thump. Even more frightening is that some industry experts and scholars, of which a very clear case of problems, but also chime in with "trend" for the energy-saving and new energy automotive industry may have serious negative effects.

A number of units and enterprises in a number of important TravelMate 240 issues no clear solution, not even the necessary proof, they blindly invested huge sums of money may be the development of the electric car industry, have a serious negative effects.

Nearly 20 years history of the development of China's electric vehicles, there are many bitter lessons of failure. One another "grand" in the planning, eventually not be realized. The last decade the state has invested heavily in promoting the electric vehicle industry, and have made significant progress in the world. However, technical feasibility and economic feasibility analysis, there is not a project with a large-scale popularization and application, you can industrialization level of maturity.

In this paper, promoting the electric car industry, healthy, rapid and sustained development of the purpose of proceeding on the development of electric vehicles the views of some key issues for open to question.

A pure electric vehicles have basically have the conditions for industrialization

From a technical maturity, the cost of vehicle manufacturing costs and the use of major issues to consider, pure electric vehicles is the most likely BTP-52EW to carry out large-scale and, above all to promote the use of industrial models:

1, battery and system status

At present, electric vehicle batteries is still the first choice for lithium-ion batteries. At the national industrial policy and the focus of the support of scientific and technological projects, China's large-capacity lithium-ion battery powered key technologies, key materials and industrial development have made a breakthrough:

- Single cell performance has basically been able to meet support requirements;

- Although the acquisition cost of any single cell is higher than lead-acid batteries, but the use of full life-cycle cost analysis, already has a significant economic advantage (see "loaded lithium-ion batteries for electric cars Economic Analysis," a text (see www., hereinafter referred to as "economic analysis");

- Into a group of applied technology, system integration study of key technologies and key components have also made important progress, already have completed their basic electric vehicles can meet the requirements of lithium-ion battery system integration and technical BTP-63D1 conditions;

- The current development of electric vehicle technology, the bottleneck is still the primary battery system. The main reason is the market system, companies pursuing economic, technological and intellectual property to maximize the interests of a serious impediment to technological cooperation between enterprises. In the case of lack of relevant standards, resulting in the development of low-level redundant chaos. Which could have been resolved lithium-ion battery system integration issues, long-term unresolved.

- Pure electric vehicles and fuel cell and hybrid vehicles compared to the minimum technical requirements for battery system. Power-type lithium-ion battery power density, it can not achieve the requirements of hybrid cars. The current battery system integration products, but also to ensure that the battery life has not yet reached maturity and security.

From the above issues into account, the current has basically the development of pure electric vehicle with the technical conditions and economic conditions. If the full play of the socialist market economy, macroeconomic adjustment under the conditions of air capacity from the battery system and the standardization of key components to start and BTP-42C1 promote an open and orderly market system established is entirely possible for China's rapid electric vehicles and sustainable development.

2, Power System Technology Status

From the Electric Vehicle Power System Technology to consider the status quo, the most mature is a pure electric vehicles. China-made hybrid vehicle power system remains to be breakthroughs in some major technical issues in order to meet the requirements of electric vehicles. From the technical performance considerations, there are still a big gap between industrialized.

Pure electric cars on the power system requirements are much lower, the current Chinese-made electric vehicle power system technical performance and economic performance, has been able to basically meet the requirements of pure electric vehicles.

3, the market prospects

Promote the use of large-scale and large-scale market, the formation of an electric vehicle industry, the basic conditions for sustainable development.

Only in the current period or can afford to have BTP-44A3 achieved in line with market expectations of the vehicle manufacturing costs and the use of cost models, it has to promote its industrial base. It is only through government policies and appropriate financial support to enable the use of vehicle cost and the cost to meet market expectations, the scale of the market possible reality. If you need a long period of high financial subsidies in order to maintain operation of sustainable development is impossible. I am in the "economic analysis") to load the lithium-ion battery electric car vehicle costs and the use of a preliminary analysis of costs. As can be seen from the results of the analysis, that is, the current low fuel prices and higher prices under the condition of the battery, if the right to adopt technical route, small economical and practical electric car industry already has a good prospect.

4, the demand market

The cultivation of the market there is a lot of work to do. Although the Government has the responsibility to foster the development of early stage to assume the primary responsibility for the market, but only in line with market rules, the market can be truly nurtured. In particular, economic (including vehicle acquisition costs and the use of cost) must follow the laws of the market. First select the technology is relatively mature, in the current period or is expected to achieve without government financial subsidies under the model of sustainable development as a priority the development of models and model. Ruoqiang vehicle high cost and the need for a long period of financial subsidies in order to run large-scale models for the promotion and industrialization, not only to promote the electric car industry can not be achieved the aim of development, and even electric car industry could seriously hurt the development process.

At present, the small-scale economic and practical application of pure zero-emission electric vehicles and a good economy, should be used as large-scale application and industrialization of key models. Poor economic conditions are city buses in the cities of the developed regions, a moderate development in the economically underdeveloped areas, should be careful BTP-550P decision-making.

Second, should pay attention to the main issues

Electric vehicle industry, must be based on science and sustainable basis, not to blindly engage in hasty decisions, particularly in the following issues should be a clear understanding of and possible responses:

First, the technical feasibility

At present, development of pure electric vehicles depends on the lithium-ion battery technology and industrial development. Although the single lithium-ion battery performance has basically been able to meet the requirements, but in groups, the service life, safety, decrease or even combustion, explosion and other accidents, remains a constraint for lithium-ion batteries and electric vehicles industry, the development of technological bottlenecks . If not in lithium-ion battery into a group of applied technology, system integration key technologies, key components and product research to make real progress, large-scale application of electric vehicles and the industry on the lack of the necessary technological base.

The key units composed of battery system technology, has been able to basically meet the requirements of system integration. The market mechanism, enterprises pursuit of economic, technological and intellectual property interests of the maximization problem and maximize the control of market expectations, as inter-firm cooperation and the standardization of the serious barriers. This has seriously hampered the cooperation between enterprises, has become a constraint lithium-ion battery systems integration and energy-saving and new energy vehicles, one obstacle to the development.

In the Government's specific guidance and effective support of the full use of industry resources, establish an open, standardized and orderly market system, to prevent the spread of monopolization of the market trend and create a market environment conducive to industrial development is to promote the BTP-73E1 sound development of industry, an important topics.

Second, the driving range

Of pure electric vehicles on a single charge mileage consecutive short, restricting the development of pure electric vehicles industry, a major problem. To promote the development of pure electric car industry, there must be to make driving range to meet market demand response.

At present, some developers load by increasing the battery to extend the driving range of the approach is not desirable. The reason is to increase the battery load will not only increase vehicle cost, making the already high cost of the vehicle is more prominent, but will increase because of the weight, enabling operators to economic decline.

Third, the vehicle manufacturing costs

The need to load a large enough battery system to enable a substantial increase in vehicle manufacturing costs, has been restricting the development of electric vehicles, an important issue. Some developers in order to extend vehicle driving range, increasing the battery load, so that a higher vehicle production costs.

At present, or can be met within a period of time to achieve the vehicle prices in line with market requirements is a necessary condition for sustainable development industry. If the state or enterprises must be long-term funding to subsidize the industry to maintain market it is impossible to sustainable development.

While certain period of time depending on state financial subsidies can achieve the high number of vehicle sales, but can not be achieved within a period of time can take the vehicle market is expected to cost, the eventual elimination of subsidies, the development of electric vehicles can not be sustained.

Fourth, the operating costs

At present, the manufacturing cost of the vehicle a high degree of attention. Countries have also introduced a car on the electric vehicle of financial subsidies. It is worth noting that the electric vehicle operating costs equally vulnerable. While the national financial subsidy policy can be basically offset the high cost of electric vehicle manufacturing problem, but if operating costs exceed the user can assume the scope of popularization and application of electric cars the same can not be achieved.

At present, the existence of the operating costs of publicity seriously mislead. Electric vehicle operating costs related to the issue, most only charge tariff is defined as operating costs, resulting in electric vehicle operating costs, much lower than the fuel cars erroneous understanding.

In order to load manganese lithium battery system of the city of electric buses, for example, if the loaded battery energy 400AH/396V (108 Zhi series), battery price is 60 million and 12 million km service life:

Charging electricity bill of around: 100 yuan / 100 km

Amortization of acquisition cost of the battery system is about: 500 yuan / 100 km

Total amount: 600 yuan / 100 km

Management fees, personnel fees, finance charges, maintenance fees

Charging facilities user fees and corporate profits (≥ 60%): ≥ 360 yuan / 100 km

100 kilometers operating costs: ≥ 960 Yuan / 100km

If the battery life of up to less than 12 kilometers, too much investment in infrastructure and personnel costs higher, the data may increase substantially.

If to achieve these targets, that is, oil rose to more than 8 yuan per liter (about 320 yuan / 100 km), the electric vehicle fuel vehicle operating costs are still higher than the 600 yuan / 100 km or more, they must be high long-term financial subsidy in order to maintain the operation of electric vehicles. 1000 electric buses per year at least to provide 3 billion yuan of financial subsidies. Operating costs such a huge financial subsidies, for most less developed areas of local government, it is difficult long-term commitments.

Only in the present, or can afford the time to meet our expectations within the use of cost, the electric car industry is possible sustainable development.

See the "economic analysis", loading Lithium iron phosphate battery system for economical and practical car, that is, in the current low fuel prices and higher battery prices, operating costs are still significant advantages. Economic and practical electric taxis as an entry point to give priority to the development of electric cars, BATCL50L is to promote the electric car industry is the best choice.

Fifth, the energy supply

Pure electric vehicles require a longer recharge time, has been hindering the development of electric vehicles, one of the technical problems. A long time to resolve a charge made by the following methods is not feasible:

Fast Charge: The fast-charging rechargeable electric vehicles has been so difficult to solve the most talked-about method. Fast charging can be used in special applications, can not serve as large-scale application of electric common method of moving vehicles. One of the reasons is that although the lithium-ion battery charge acceptance despite a substantial increase, but long-term use of high-current charging, the battery performance and life will be seriously affected. The second reason is the high current charging will drastically improve the charging device rated power is not only a substantial increase in investment in infrastructure, but also significantly reduce the charging device economy. As a large-scale applications, fast charging is not available to.

Roadside charging station: Some people have asked the roadside charging stations in the cities, to provide users with the idea of charging service, but also can not be achieved. The reason is that the roads are already crowded modern city can not be allowed vehicle parked on the roadside charge a long time. In the medium and small cities, that is allowed to legislate in some sections of road charging device, but the larger scale of investment and lower investment returns, in the large-scale application would have been very prominent on the use of the cost has increased TravelMate 290 significantly.

Public Charging Station: construction of public charging stations in the city the idea is not feasible line. One is to charge a long time, the user can not accept, and the second is that, for high-price cities land, consuming large amounts of space charge is set, will substantially increase the cost of vehicle use.

Car Charge: In the main building of our living conditions, the car charger it is difficult to solve the charging source. And the vehicle charging device, the vehicle will cost more.

Sixth, maintenance management and technical back-up: electric vehicle battery system is a high-tech integrated system, its maintenance and management needs advanced technology, equipment and technology, not an ordinary vehicle users to be able to complete. Needs to be noted is the consistency of battery is only temporary. Consistency adjustment even the best batteries to use for some time, due to performance differences in decay, there will inevitably be inconsistent. In addition to using re-grouped things, there can be no other way to make the battery system to achieve a new consensus. Property belonging to the user after the battery is not permitted use of property ownership must go beyond the re-grouping.

Third, small-scale industrialization of pure electric vehicles have been basically established the technical conditions

At present, the regional central cities in order to use taxis as an entry point to promote the economical model of small-scale application of pure electric vehicles and the industry that the time has basically matured:

See the "economic analysis", that is, fuel prices rose to 8 yuan more than the price of iron phosphate lithium battery down to 2 yuan per watt-hours service life of 16 million km, city buses of the cost of energy consumption per hundred kilometers still exceeds the fuel costs about 200 yuan, or need financial subsidies for every 100 kilometers 200 yuan more than 1000 electric public transportation vehicles in need of financial subsidies to 100 million yuan a year or more in order to maintain normal operation of vehicles.

In addition to a well-developed financial capacity of cities, most of the less developed cities is difficult to maintain its commitment to continuous operation of the financial capacities. In the prosperous city with a financial capacity, moderate promote the use of city electric bus is feasible and necessary, but not fully considered the case of financial capacity, large-scale promotion of electric city buses, there are significant economic risks.

In terms of electric taxis as an entry point to promote the application of economic model applicable to a small electric car, in the current low fuel prices and a higher pool price conditions, the electric car for every 100 kilometers energy costs are still TravelMate 4000 lower than the cost of fuel more than 20% (see " Economic Analysis of "Table 14). Already have the economic conditions of sustainable development.

4, the battery leasing model is the only way

Although economic considerations to promote the application of economic and practical conditions of small electric vehicles have been basically established. As long as vehicle costs, driving range, energy supply, the battery to maintain four key issues to find concrete solutions. Small pure electric vehicles can be realized industrialization.

Battery-lease model, the establishment of national public energy supply system of electric vehicles is the best path to solve the above problems, but also the only way to develop electric cars. Next article (On the electric car industry development strategy (3) to conduct a specific discussions.

ST using FET Nano-energy ultra-thin lithium battery technology

ST using FET Nano-energy ultra-thin lithium battery technology
STMicroelectronics (ST) has announced the next generation of California, developer of laptop battery rechargeable batteries, Front Edge Technology (FET) signed a commercial agreement, STMicroelectronics will be in the new application market with leading-edge technology, nano-energy (NanoEnergy) super - thin lithium battery technology.

This new technology to fill the existing storage equipment and the gap between cutting-edge electronic technology, sophisticated electronic equipment to meet the right size and the demanding requirements of high-density power. The consumer electronics and industrial markets, target applications for a variety of new products, the need for innovative energy storage and battery technology. Solid-state thin film batteries to "micro-power devices" provides an innovative energy storage program, can be applied to high-end "one-time password" smart card, battery-assisted RFID tags (radio frequency ID), wireless sensor networks, real-time clock (RTC) battery backup and a variety of medical applications, including hearing aids, insulin pumps and portable automatic injection worn by health monitoring M6091 system.

Ultra-thin solid-state physics flexibility is one of the main advantages of battery technology, which can be made "flexible" the ultra-thin battery, the thinnest of only 200 microns thick, the battery can also be made into different shapes and sizes, are portable devices, especially is the ideal pocket-sized products. In addition, the battery using solid-state electrolyte lithium phosphorus oxynitride (LiPON), this material originally developed by Oak Ridge (Oak Ridge) national laboratory research. This material so that cutting-edge technology in thin-film battery output power than the current most advanced button battery 10 times to 20 times.

With the existing Acer Laptop Battery electric

Pool than on the technologies, cutting-edge technology, longer battery life, short-circuit protection mechanisms more secure, less impact on the environment. Other key features include: battery life long, if 50% of the discharge, the battery can be charged 1,000 multiple; quick charge function, the battery can be charge in 15 minutes to the rated capacity of 80%; stability, strong, self-discharge is less than a year 15%.

"Today, advanced a wide range of portable electronic products, have become increasingly demanding on the battery while the power supply performance, life and environmental impacts are lagging behind the development of electronic products, but also a growing gap between the two , "STMicroelectronics, executive vice president and the Ministry of Industry and multi-market (IMS), general manager, said Carmelo Papa," as the world's largest and most innovative semiconductor companies, STMicroelectronics have the vision, knowledge and market influence that can be BTP-43D1 cutting-edge technology, a revolutionary ultra-thin battery technology to more industrial and consumer electronics markets, new applications. "

"Cutting-edge technology takes decades to develop NanoEnergy technology, developed the industry's highest density of the thin-film battery technology. Three years ago, we started selling a small amount of commercial NanoEnergy batteries." Cutting-edge technology CEO, Dr Simon Nieh said, "We are very pleased to be working with The world's largest and most innovative semiconductor companies in international cooperation in industrial and consumer TravelMate 220 electronics markets for the thin-film batteries to find new business opportunities. "

STMicroelectronics has long been a leader in power technology, in new energy technologies and nano-materials put considerable resources into efforts to develop new miniaturized energy storage and output solutions to power portable electronics applications focus. STMicroelectronics, industrial and multi-market (IMS) products at its R & D team has been developing in recent years, micro-batteries and micro fuel cell technology, and Tours in France and Italy, Catania has research team, and the two studies institutions and technical BTP-58A1 cooperation.

Heike. Braque: battery technology still needs time to solve the bottleneck

Heike. Braque: battery technology still needs time to solve the bottleneck

Job: Austria AVL SCHRICK limited liability company with a hybrid electric vehicle R & D Chief Engineer

October 23 afternoon, in Chongqing, at the "2009 International Electric Vehicle Technology laptop battery Innovation Development Forum", the Austrian limited liability company AVLSCHRICK hybrid electric vehicle R & D department with the Chief Engineer, Mr. Heiko Braak Tencent automotive journalists accepted the interview. In response to a reporter's question Tencent car, he said: There were no other cells can completely replace the battery, as well as to be further technical research and development.


Interview Record:

Tencent Car: Heike. Braque President, we know you is to study hybrid and electric vehicles experts in the field, it is not in that AVL has a A1148 great advantage?

Heike. Braque: Of course, I am engaged in hybrid and electric cars, research design, my company is also in this regard has many years of research, development and operation, so we in this respect is a big advantage.

Tencent car: So you think that hybrid and pure electric Which one is more promising? Or what to do in the future occupy a leadership position?

Heike. Braque: This question M8511 I can not give you a precise answer, pure electric in duration and have significant limitations in life, which is one of the challenges of electric vehicles, while the hybrid is in a certain make up the extent and within the framework of a number of shortcomings, it is a good choice, but at the same time can not ignore the research and development of pure electric. To make up for deficiencies in the battery will be more compensation from the supporting measures, such as the construction of public transport stations, public power to add points.

Tencent car: There are several batteries used in electric vehicles, such as lithium iron phosphate batteries, nickel-metal hydride batteries, lithium-ion batteries, etc., what do you think the battery is most likely to become mainstream battery then? I have found that lithium-ion batteries in this forum, noting that there were more than lithium-ion batteries are more likely to be compared with other battery-electric car battery industry, the mainstream?

Heike. Braque: The battery issue has been restricting the development of electric vehicles a bottleneck, many departments and research centers are in the M8244 battery done a lot of effort to question as to which the battery will become the mainstream I'm not sure, we need to do more research. As for the lithium-ion batteries, we may be at the meeting as well as my report to mention more, but the lithium-ion battery as a direct representative of the batteries used in electric vehicles as a, it will become the mainstream I can not answer you.

Tencent car: Your report that the electric vehicle market, the key is to open the battery life time and can withstand, then the battery technology currently in the progress of it?

Heike. Braque: Certainly. Research on the battery of course, there is a progressive, technology advances all the time, the battery is the same. For example, in A1079 battery can last a distance of 180 kilometers of continuous use, then the next time it will be 200 kilometers, and probably a speed bar. This is a gradual process that requires increased step by step, rather than hop hop as improved.

Tencent car: One of the themes of this forum is a cooperative, then your company started with China's auto companies who co-operation?

Heike. Braque: We really have a lot of co-operation with China, especially government departments, projects, many of which are on public services. Also include information engineering, information technology development and research we are not only in China, A1078 cooperation in the United States and Japan have many cooperation projects.

Monday 9 November 2009

Richest man in the battery industry in a positive cross-strait confrontation

Richest man in the battery industry in a positive cross-strait confrontation

Taiwan's richest man Terry Gou and the mainland's richest man, Wang Chuanfu budding laptop battery in the case of theft of trade secrets have not yet had the time off, at the operational level of the smell of gunpowder and heavier.

Kwok quietly Layout battery industry

Yesterday, the news that Terry Guo will be created through the acquisition of rainbow color filter plant in Taiwan super-energy lithium battery manufacturers. It is reported that Taiwan's super-energy due to financial crisis, so its Chunan old plants, including plant and equipment are in foreign salesman who cheapens, so the outside world that the Hon Hai-Ming Guo've always wanted to cut into a large-scale lithium battery market, this is a wonderful opportunities.

It is noteworthy that the lithium battery market happens to be the Kuo-ming's "mortal enemy" Wang Chuanfu started career choice. Currently Wang Chuanfu BYD PowerBook G3 is the world's second-largest manufacturer of lithium batteries.

In fact, the Kuo Ming battery industry has long coveted. To make Taiwan into its ultra-energy football, is not the first time Terry Guo expect to meddle in the battery industry.

As early as May of this year, Guo Wei-ming is a subsidiary of the Group has been discovered and the United States battery manufacturers Boston-Power Cooperation. Boston-Power is a battery-American areas of cutting-edge, with environmental protection and efficient lithium battery patents and 45 million U.S. dollars investment in just two years, became the darling of the battery industry, and has production bases in Guangdong Province in the mainland. But, after all, and battery manufacturers of cooperation and have a full set of lithium battery production line and can not be compared. Therefore, the Kuo-Ming This time acquisition of battery maker in Taiwan triggered the outside world super-energy reverie United Pina is also PowerBook G4 very natural.

Hon Hai Wang model for the future?

And Guo-ming, the field of action in the battery frequently compared to former "Battery king," Wang Chuanfu no longer "Wu under the Amon." With years of accumulated area of the battery, BYD transformed into a new generation of "green car of the leader." Precisely in response to the "technology", "green", "innovation", "new energy" and many other keywords, even Warren Buffett with 18 billion last year, has also subscribed 10% stake in BYD. BYD's share price this year, jumped from 13 Hong Kong dollar rose 72 Hong Kong dollars, so 43-year-old Wang Chuanfu to net worth of 39.6 billion yuan into the mainland's richest man.

Compared with the Wang Chuanfu, Guo Ming is currently in the business still faced trouble spots. First, the financial crisis, Hon Hai shares fell sharply; then launched three years in the Mainland, plans to build 10000 e-store accused of lip service. The most recent fiscal quarter has been reported, having emerged from the doldrums, but has not yet reached analyst PowerBook G4 15inch expectations.

In such circumstances, Kuo-ming and Wang Chuanfu will be obsessed with the scores do? Kuo-ming, Wang Chuanfu's scores began in 2006, when the Kuo-ming of the Foxconn to stealing trade secrets court in Shenzhen, BYD Wang Chuanfu. BYD has always believed that to do Foxconn Foxconn decree loss of 5.13 billion yuan business. Both sides have this confrontation three years, four employees were sentenced BYD. So far this case has not yet closed.

From the outside, although Wang Chuanfu is still trapped in "plagiarism Foxconn commercial secrets" cases, but almost not detract from his business, especially in the capital markets of all ages. To do this analysis, Kuo-ming and its always the "victim" mentality and Wang Chuanfu court, it is better to follow the "old enemy" by virtue of the battery industry, this kind of A1012 "new energy" concept in business to kill a path through.

Biography of Hon Hai Group to enter the lithium batteries chip industry News

Biography of Hon Hai Group to enter the lithium batteries chip industry News

November 8 messages recent rumors that Hon Hai Group has recently laptop battery created through a color filter plant rainbow bid for national old-super-energy lithium battery factory in Taiwan Chunan the old factory, low-cut into the lithium battery cell side, establishing investment lithium battery industry direction.

In recent years, Taiwan's super-hit financial crisis, in addition to the Hsinchu Science Park office building has been the court auction, the Chunan plant also face the fate of the auction and was completed July 15 auction, the transaction amount of more than 3 million yuan, the two sides in October the completion of the transfer of 14 plants, the buyer for the rainbow A1185 of the CIT.

Completion of the transaction, the largest shareholder is Hong Chong Hon Hai Group, news, rumors began to lithium battery industry. Ministry of Economic Affairs, according to registration data, as overseas Chinese foreign investment rainbow record, at present paid-up capital amounted to 240 million yuan, corporate shareholders registered as "ICF's Technology Co., Ltd. (SAMOA)", Fu on October 20 to complete the company responsible person to change from the Sun Ruitang as chairman.


It is understood that Sun Ruitang Taiwan's M9324 super-energy former executive director of the original rainbow of color filter plant record over by Taiwan, he took over the super-old chairman and bought plants, turn into the layout of lithium batteries quite remarkable.

Market analysts believe that Hon Hai has always wanted to cut into the lithium battery market, in the past did not find an opportunity, if the auction bid for Taiwan to take advantage of the old ultra-energy plants, can be bought cheap equipment, plant, into the lithium battery industry.

Recent lithium battery is rumored: "Foxconn come!" The main cause of Li-ion battery plant in Taiwan in the 3C ultra-energy-old plant auction M8403 Chunan case. Foxconn about this acquisition, and to enter the lithium battery industry rumors, the "No comment."

Taiwan Ultra-Energy was established in 88 years, beginning with the U.S. on NASDAQ (NASDAQ) OTC's ultra-Iranian cooperation in battery technology, research and development production of polymer lithium-ion polymer battery factory in the Hsinchu-volume mobile phones and personal digital assistants M7318 to use lithium polymer battery cells.

Tuesday 3 November 2009

Li-ion battery industry demonstration project spawned opportunities for technology needs to be improved

Li-ion battery industry demonstration project spawned opportunities for technology needs to be improved

"Relevant departments for investigation show that at present put into use in Beijing, hybrid buses, energy-saving efficiency of only 10%, costs have increased by 50%." Chinese laptop battery Academy of Engineering, YANG Yu-sang said the development of pure electric vehicles will be more reasonable choice, lithium ion batteries and other power-type battery increasingly highlighted the importance of.

Industry has developed rapidly

Chinese Academy of Engineering Li-Quan Chen, China's lithium-ion battery industry developed rapidly, the global lithium-ion battery market has taken shape in China, Japan, Korea, the three pillars of the situation. The past two years, lithium-ion batteries used in electric bicycles has already begun and power tools. In the future, lithium-ion batteries will not only be widely used in electric vehicles, will also play a role in energy storage, lithium-ion battery market share will be further expanded. After 10 years of efforts, China has initially formed from raw materials preparation, equipment manufacturing, battery processing and export trade, as well as the development of downstream products of Presario 900 lithium battery industry chain.

In 2008, the National Li-ion battery industry output of about 200 billion yuan, of upstream and downstream value of around 50 billion yuan. In order to meet China's lithium-ion battery production in fast-growing, lithium-ion battery materials industry is also developing rapidly, basically formed a complete set of industrial clusters.

Faced with good opportunities

The United States Government attaches great importance to the development of Obama's new energy industry, especially in the last 2.4 billion investment in research and development for electric vehicles, and of which 15 million for the lithium-ion battery research and development. Many U.S. experts believe that the future of lithium-ion battery will be the same as today's oil has important strategic significance.

Driven by the 863 Program, China's lithium-ion battery technology has made great progress. China has independently developed all kinds of electric vehicles in the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games, 2009 Summer Davos Forum and other major events have been very good application. The Expo held in Shanghai next year there will be thousands of cars will be electric vehicles Presario 1700 in use, run time of up to six months, it will be related technologies for electric cars a more comprehensive examination.

In addition, the Science and Technology launched the "10 City, 1000," energy-saving and new energy vehicle demonstration and extension projects, plans to fiscal policy to encourage new energy vehicles in buses, taxis, public vehicles, and other areas of the first to promote the use, planned to use four years demonstration and extension of various types of new energy vehicles 60000, to expand sales income 100 million yuan.

China Institute of Electric Power Research Institute to a well-off, at present wind power, solar photovoltaic power generation in China developed rapidly, due to these two methods with intermittent electricity, the characteristics of volatility, a large part of energy needs to reserve The system will be able to fluctuations in input power into a stable output power, therefore a great need for storage batteries. "A wind farm configuration storage Armada E500 battery electric vehicles may exceed a few thousand vehicles need batteries." He said.

In addition, earlier this year released by the automobile industry restructuring and revitalization plan, the Government is in the field of new energy vehicles invest 100 billion, which for lithium-ion battery provides opportunities for development.

Technology needs to be improved

Although the lithium-ion battery market prospects, but industrial development there are some problems. First, the lithium-ion batteries used in material requirements to ensure that the battery is safe and has the practicality, durability, and cost under control, but China's current production of lithium-ion battery anode material properties are still to be improved. Li-Quan Chen introduction, Japan has raised the energy density of rechargeable batteries Development Goals: 2015 500Wh/kg, 2030 reached 700Wh/kg. In China, positive and negative materials currently in use combine the highest energy density can only be achieved 240Wh/kg. "In order to improve the energy density of lithium-ion batteries, must study the new chemical system." Li-Quan Chen said the government A1175 and enterprises should pay attention to technology research, if we give priority to apply for a patent abroad, we will be controlled by others. He also said that innovation in technology, lithium-ion battery life need to improve, lithium-ion battery and charging adapter of the degree of standardization need further improvement.

controlling the world's largest lithium mine, Lu Xiang began to

controlling the world's largest lithium mine, Lu Xiang began to

Ke Rong Qing general, hello. The company's quarterly has just come out, dynamic and static relatively large, everyone is watching laptop battery you this "Asian lithium-King." Can you tell us under the acquisition value.

Ke Rong Qing: This is an investment up to 73.1 million yuan acquisition of financial sector 51% stake in lithium, in addition to direct ownership of 5.114 million tons Li Hui quarry outside the mining rights, but also control of nearly 30 million tons of underground quarry Li-hui, while sipping the base cards remaining 52 million tons of regional lithium-hui also have a priority right to develop the quarry.

"Lithium Mine King"

Money Weekly: whether there are any recent progress?

Ke Rong Qing: From September 4 entry into force of the tender offer, business process until all the processing is completed in October. We will enter the stock after the commencement of substantive work, mainly on four aspects of grasping, one team-building, and the second thing is to standardize management, the third is the production of debugging, the fourth is the final acceptance.

First, team-building. Talent the team FRU 92P1121 , I made a bigger effort, and now has been basically doing a good job, there is a general manager, two Deputy Director, a Deputy Chief Engineer and a Chief Engineer. The General Manager and Chief Engineer of which are new and come outside, and they have 10 years of working experience in mines, the total workers are 20 years of mining experience, 10 years of industry experience, lithium, so the objective is concerned, there are two individuals to to take charge, I would be confident. Deputy Chief Engineer of the sum of a deputy from the original team, as well as a vice has always been our original investment planning department manager. This is the basic situation of the entire management team, the recruitment process is taken into account through, after all, taking into account the working environment of the plateau, has undergone pre-communication and site visits. Executive team has been formed, while the construction of first-line management and technology is the key, the next step should have been up and down the whole team can basically build up confidence for the team.

Second, standardized management. This is not only the requirements of mining enterprises, but also the requirements of listed companies, financial up Compaq Laptop Battery lithium industry is not a listed company before, now we have acquired, it becomes a public enterprise. One of the benefits of standardized management, is to resolve the remaining issues over the past years. Members may be in doubt, why is mine so many years invested has not yet put into production, why are there so many disputes. There are many reasons for this, objectively speaking, it is the ethnic areas, the need for adequate communication, deal with problems to be more cautious. And on the other hand, the mine in the original engineering design, process debugging, including technical strength, security, management strength, organization and other aspects of systematic, are not quite enough.

Third, production debugging. Work is done in front of those based on co-ordination with the states will be opened too, and we strive to complete acceptance of this year, next year, after the smooth production of the spring. This requires to be out of something by the end of next year, can we create something. Work is now underway idling debug debugging and cast materials, mainly of two parts, one mining, second is dressing.

Mining affected by climate, the current Armada M700 is normal, as long as no snow, no ice, we can implement blasting mining, but also because of global warming, less snow in the mountains has been, and are often the next night, the next day stopped, and down the ice after not easy. We are in October and November have a mining plan. Other hand, the dressing is not subject to climate impacts, the dressing is to obtain lithium concentrates, need to debug, we have three objectives, one can not be out of product, and second, can high-quality products and the third is able to high - quality, low-cost products, the second and third point is that the ways and purposes.

In order to reach the end, we found a technical forces to support, and the Changsha Mining and Metallurgical Research Institute in co-operation, which comes directly under the central government SASAC for us out of a few experts to do a task, there was a fellow assistant, two return to Dr. Prof. doing, in the original improvements on a technical basis. Therefore, the technical EVO N400c process that we are a business and research institutes working together.

Fourth, the final acceptance. Including all the work, environmental protection, water conservation, fire protection, security, etc., state and county department heads have been opened will be the hope that the full support of enterprises. We are inside the four key mining state, one of the state's economic development is significant, part of the state's tax revenue returned to the state county, and it can be said is that we and the local people has become a body of common interest.

Lithium Carbonate Strategic faucet

Money Weekly: This mine plan is like?

Ke Rong Qing: Generally speaking, I am out of the end product, through the acceptance are confident that next year the normal spring production is also confident.

Our work plan for the first quarter of next year, there are several, one from the daily processing capacity of 800 tons should be expanded to 3,000 tons, the second is to hold the follow-up of the mineral rights for mining, authentication, and now the mine is 134 clock part of the We consider the other parts of the win, the roughly 30 million tons. There is a deep-processing work is started, it is necessary to become lithium carbonate lithium ore processing. Next year we will launch the project EVO N410c (annual production capacity of 10,000 tons of battery grade lithium carbonate. Then, Li Hui from the ore - lithium ore - Battery Grade Lithium Carbonate - Lithium battery from the melting up to Lithium - Rong Czech Group - BYD, Li-ion industry will melt up to complete the formation of a lithium-industrial chain, the company annual output value is expected to reach 10 million.)

Engage in this mine up, we are leading enterprises in the country, and we got a very good resource, combined with our large-scale development, we will become the industry's leading enterprises, we are very confident.

In short, to engage in mining up to become leading enterprises in the country, there is confidence and confidence comes from the company's large-scale development, mining is good, but scarce resource.

Money Weekly: Do you want to bring a Luxiang what position? Framework is how to plan it?

Ke Rong Qing: As Lu Xiang, the first decade only did asphalt materials, available in 2007, after years of use 2008,2009 market, setting up shops, hair-scale, national plans have been basically formed, seven large area 8 subsidiaries, now 4 The four wholly-owned joint venture, joint venture, which became wholly owned by the possibility of restructuring. It should be said EVO N600C first plate has been basically completed, asphalt at the bottom of the industrial chain of crude oil, as crude oil a great influence on a second pages, help reduce risk, improve returns in the future may engage third plate, three plate both professional and support each other. The second section is a new energy, the third plate to be, as the case may be, hope is a technical product, technology, value-added products, there are long-term direction.

At present work is to concentrate on two plates, the third section is also too early to say. We are industrial companies, financial, services, investment is not considered in the future third plate is still not considered mature. Over the first two years of the development section, next year we hope the scale into the effectiveness of the past two years crude oil fluctuations, relatively high costs of setting up shops in front. The amount of 800 million contract for next year already, so next year, 10 Jige Yi contract is no problem.

There are four major aspects of asphalt, modified asphalt sales, modified bitumen processing, heavy cross-trading and re-cross-asphalt asphalt agent. Processing done in the past are more and less in the future want to increase the sale of modified asphalt.

Second, if the spring next year, after the mine to resume EVO N610C normal production, which itself is a relatively stable income, lithium is a very good vision, in addition to electric vehicles, cell phones that a well-known, as well as wind, solar energy storage devices may be even greater than the electric cars Forum! Many people do not see this level. Countries are to sustainable development, we must take into account wind and solar power, to save energy, the lithium can not be separated. National Energy-third of the world, coal, petrochemicals and new energy, new energy is mainly nuclear, wind and solar power. Intensity of large state subsidies, that is, to promote the development of new energy sources. We are mine, not only good for industrial grade, we have made the battery level, a very high grade. I went to mine with the staff speaking, the development of new energy sources, is an urgent need for human survival problems, our work now is to the benefit of society as a whole, which is doing business sense and social values.

With regard to the issue of money

Money Weekly: whether the relationship between the next three blocks? What is your logic?

Ke Rong Qing: three plates correlation is not necessarily required, or to the upper middle and lower reaches in the industrial chain, I am concerned about is per view should be professional, and now has become the first plate leading enterprises, the second plate also being efforts.

Money Weekly: Cost is a problem how to balance the current asphalt and mining operations require two large costs, which require considerable resources to drive, such as funding and personnel.

Ke Rong Qing: Yes, the first volume of a plate increases the need for funding, and the second section the follow-up investment needs money, the question EVO N620C is indeed critical to enterprise development. I have a cursory inspection, the three quarterly Lu Xiang shares to a 63% debt ratio, it is quite high.

Ke Rong Qing: We have a high debt ratio is in fact a trade reasons, to do analysis. The three quarterly high rate of our debt is because the company is ready to start Dongchu Liaoning, the person paid in advance more than one billion, the money came in after the pressure increase our debt ratio, because if after coming into stock in the case of a concept a. This money and large, more than one billion, I have digested the material, and liabilities on the down.

Sub-case approach to debt ratio. Simply put, because I was winning the tender the project, with the price agreed upon, with Sinopec, CNPC agreed a price, downstream is the road, business is a single, price agreement, it is the two locked risk business. Now if the contract, he would dare to give you money. This is a contract financing. Our customers are very single, business is a very single, then the project next year, now then, the two are locked. With regard to accounts receivable problems, highway industry has a billing cycle, but we have the money can be recovered, so many years and we do not have bad die off, the risk of the low.

Money Weekly: I want to know. Do you have a book Presario 1200 on the investment and financing, costs and benefits of the account? For example, you have these two businesses next year, how much capital investment next year, in the end?

Ke Rong Qing: This I am sure is there, but why disclose it? For example, the follow-up to 30 million tons mineral rights acquisition cost? Assessment is what the price, I, as a business course, the lower the better.

I am this time next year is the purchase price and not comparable. This time I was buying up stakes in 2005 when the mineral rights to take lithium concentrate only a few hundred yuan a ton, but also at a loss to do, and now at least 2000 a ton, casually doing is making money. Therefore, it is two concepts.

Money Weekly: So, how the follow-up financing arrangement? How to configure?

Ke Rong Qing: We have listed companies platforms, regardless of bank financing, the securities market, including issuance of bonds, equity financing, there is this platform can do, follow-up will be multi-leg walking, banking and capital markets will do. As for the mineral rights to purchase the follow-up next year, the financing of capital markets tend to go this route, through equity financing, which is preferred, it should be further consideration as to the end of the year. In fact, this issue, we listed the relevant of these institutions have also been in Presario 1800 communication with us.

Working capital through banks, investment depends mainly on capital market financing. Because you are talking about working capital, the SFC will not be awarded to you, can only be submitted for approval to go through the project financing.

Money Weekly: At present, the market for lithium extraction methods discussed more heated is the salt lake brine mining extraction or extraction, in this regard how do you think?

Ke Rong Qing: The spodumene extraction technology is mature, salt brine, there are technological barriers and financial barriers, capital demanding, and each local geological, chemical, the situation is different, not every lake can do the battery level of lithium . In South America there are more mature, in the country needs to go to a breakthrough. I personally hope to achieve a breakthrough in salt brine, I was happy to see the. Can not produce anything because the domestic market was foreign accounts, the future demand for lithium-large, serve the country's new energy.

Salt lake brine lithium inside magnesium and other impurities, it is necessary to get rid of impurities costs are relatively high. The past errors, that the salt lake brine extraction than the high cost of ore extraction, which is depends on which region of the lake, the domestic terms, brine extraction technology has not yet break the Presario 700 bottleneck.

Early modified asphalt not yet ready, their foreign money that is relentless, and this I deeply understands. After the State of new energy development so desire, a great demand. Brine extraction will break even, and we still have room for development, but a profit-Bo Hou problem. Do not think I would hope that others can not for their own success, can not be too narrow, and from one country in terms of a nation, which we do business must have a sense of caring. On the case is a typical example, Rio Tinto, made in China, not, people will be wantonly foreigners asking price.

Money Weekly: I think you are a very strong control of desire, and this is not related to your military background? You mentioned several times to "wholly-owned," including this project, and this agreement in the end how the betting going on?

Ke Rong Qing: Oh, this is indeed one of my management philosophy. The "gamble" the agreement led to a lot of controversy in society today, let me discuss some of the details at that time. At that time a deputy secretary of the Ganzi Prefecture Government from the Government's point of view put forward a number of programs, then the transition to the company and talk to me and Rongjie this program. The outset, financial McNair is not willing to give up controlling stake, it's the bottom line is that 50% to 50%, but Lu Xiang is a listed company, and in business management, I have more experience, I would insist on controlling the relative holdings Yehao absolute Holdings Anyhow must be controlled or become the largest shareholder. In the end, it was time to not allow further delays, that affect the follow-up things again and again Finally, we come up with the program is investment bank, appraisers, accountants and firms come out of these institutions. They said, no words, like other business entities engaged in a "gamble" agreement. Well, then take over the stake, doing bad, then give him an escape route. Agreement is the beginning of the 18 million penalty, in fact, the concept of 900 million. This matter may have caused to the public a lot of illusion.

Money Weekly: Do you really want to buy the whole stock over?

Ke Rong Qing: In this area there are many ways to deal with, an analogy speaking, we can hold 49% of the shareholding of become our shares, are able to operate, the current mode of operation are varied, a change platform to operate there are possibilities. Now is not the focus, this problem will not affect the mine to lose confidence, or not optimistic. If you do not optimistic about the case, there would be other companies like HTC shares (600,331, stock bar) to fight the. Not because the right bet the agreement, shareholders of BYD there is doubt in this respect, concerns, and this is entirely the two concepts.

Therefore this problem can make it clear that I generally say this much, but do not say outside the one-sided understanding of some of misreading.

Money Weekly: Lu general the reason why he is willing to sell it?

Ke Rong Qing: Lu general is actually very successful, he wanted to promote investment in high finance, there are some attractions, but not necessarily engaged in industrial strength. Why he is willing to cooperate with us then, he saw that we can complement each other. Therefore, there does not exist who is eating whom.

Money Weekly: Do you feel a few more worried about heart problems?

Ke Rong Qing: challenges of doing business every day, for our part, from its inception to the present phase of the development of growth, do each of the decision-making is through scientific consideration and procedures, so far have not faced more difficult issues.

Money Weekly: Which are most concerned about?

Ke Rong Qing: I am most concerned about is the human problem, selection, staffing, management of personnel.

Money Weekly: Man enough?

Ke Rong Qing: Man is enough to get, but the need for a self-improvement issue.