Monday 26 October 2009

Li-ion laptop battery how should one care is correct?

Li-ion laptop battery how should one care is correct?

Lithium-ion battery cathode material of lithium active compounds are usually composed of negative electrode is a special molecular laptop battery structure of carbon. The common major components of LiCoO2 cathode materials


Positive reaction: LiCoO2 Li1-xCoO2 + xLi + + xe -

Negative reaction: C + xLi + + xe-CLix

Battery overall reaction: LiCoO2 + C Li1-xCoO2 + CLix

Discharge, then the occurrence of the above reaction of the reverse reaction.

Charging, the battery added to the positive pole of the electric potential to force the release of compounds Li + ions, embedded negative elements arranged in lamellar structure of the carbon. Discharge, Li + ion from the lamellar structure of carbon in the escape and re-cathode combination of 92P1101 compounds. Li + movement to promote a current.

Reactive Although very simple, but in the actual industrial production, the practical problems need to be considered much more. Cathode material additives required to maintain the multiple charge-discharge activity, the negative electrode material, which needs to design the molecular structure of class in order to accommodate more Li + ions, fill in the electrolyte between the positive and negative electrodes, in addition to maintaining stability, but also need to have good electrical conductivity, reducing the battery internal resistance.

Strictly speaking, despite the capacity of lithium-ion battery degradation, but not nickel-cadmium battery memory effect. Memory effect of the principle is that crystallization, in the lithium batteries will have little reaction. Lithium-ion rechargeable batteries in many After the release of capacity will decline, its causes are complex and varied:

One is the anode and cathode material itself changes, from the molecular level, the positive and negative electrodes of lithium ion on the hole to accommodate the structure will gradually collapse, congestion, from the chemical point of view, is the active anode material is passive, side reaction occurs to form a stable the other compounds. physically cathode 92P1089 material will appear gradually falling off, etc., in short, can ultimately reduce the battery charging and discharging process of the free movement of the number of Li + ions.

Second, catalytic additives, changes in the molecular structure of the original catalytic catalytic additives will gradually change the structure, and eventually could not even play a catalytic role in the opposite.

Third, repeated charge and discharge in the electrolyte gradually variability, resistance increases. Process bad electrolyte batteries may be due to improper control of some elements faster degeneration.

Over-charging and over-discharge, lithium batteries will be positive and negative result in permanent damage, from the molecular level, intuitive understanding, over-discharge of carbon anode will lead to excessive release of lithium ion and makes it appear lamellar structure collapsed, over-charging will too hard into the negative electrode of lithium-ion go carbon structure, causing some of the lithium-ion can no longer be released. This is why Li-ion batteries are usually equipped with 92P1087 charge-discharge control circuit causes.

Not suitable for the temperature, will lead to other chemicals in the internal lithium battery that we do not want to see the reaction of the compounds, so in some lithium between the positive and negative electrodes with a protective membrane or electrolyte additives, temperature control. In the battery temperature reached a certain circumstances, the composite membrane electrolyte membrane hole closed or degeneration, increased battery internal resistance until the circuit, the battery is no longer to heat up, to ensure that the battery charging temperature is normal.

And deep charge-discharge of lithium batteries improve the actual capacity, experts clearly tell me that this is meaningless. They even said that the so-called three full charge-discharge prior to use of "activation" in their knowledge of the two Phd years, could not understand this as a need. Why do so many people, however, after the deep charge-discharge capacity of 08K8194 Battery Information label will occur where a change? Will be mentioned later.

IBM laptop with a lithium-ion battery management chip and charge control chips. Which management chip in a series of registers, there is capacity, temperature, ID, charge status, discharge frequency values. These values are a gradual change in use, said that some value in a number of non-full-full which may lead to decline in the battery nominal capacity, the battery charge time, dissatisfaction, or the use of shorter and so on.

I personally think that the use of IBM instructions in a month should be full charge-discharge a major role in the practice now is to fix these registers where the wrong values, making the battery charge control and the nominal capacity of the battery match the actual situation. If people are way to directly read out these values, combined with recharge to analyze the situation, I would like the protection of the circuit is not difficult to crack under the control of deep charge-discharge of the 08K8196 battery indicator has improved the real reason.

Charge control the main control chip, the battery charging process. ThinkPad Li-ion battery charging process is divided into two phases, constant-current fast charge phase (the battery indicator light yellow color, ***) and constant-voltage current decreasing phase (the battery indicator light was green flashes. constant-current fast charge phase, the battery voltage gradually rises to the battery's nominal voltage, and subsequently transferred under constant pressure phase control chip, the voltage will not rise in order to ensure that no over-charge, current, along with the battery rise gradually reduced to 0, and the ultimate completion of charging.

Statistics chip power consumption by recording the discharge curve (voltage, current, time) can calculate the sample battery power, this is what we read in the Battery Information inside wh. While the use of lithium in the many after-discharge curve will change, if the Chip has not been opportunity to once again read out a complete discharge curve, which is calculated out of 92P1102 electricity that is not accurate. So we need to deep charge-discharge to calibrate the battery chips.

Finally, I right battery maintenance view is:

1. No need to ensure that every time a re-release END electric charge;

2. A period of time to do a protection circuit placed under the control of deep-charge battery power to amend the statistics, but it will not improve your battery's actual capacity.

3. A long time without the battery, should be placed in the shade in order to weaken its internal self-passivation reaction speed.

4. Protection circuit is also able to monitor the battery self-discharge, long-term without the battery should be charging to a certain degree of power to prevent self-discharge of 92P1077 batteries in storage in the discharge of excessive lead to excessive damage;

In fact, there is not much to take into account the battery use of attention, in other words is taken into account is not much use. The number of times a cell can use, and perhaps more from the battery itself, differences in the manufacture of individual differences, rather than use.

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