Sunday 18 October 2009

Hybrid Future

Hybrid Future

"Oil is not diving, just doing push-ups," Mr. Zhang has just fill up humorous laptop battery way of describing the fluctuations in oil prices. And all the white-collar workers, like Mr. Zhang at 7:30 am starting from home and open an hour by car to the international trade work, the way traffic jam 15 minutes. However, he never care about the issue of fuel costs, and even a little bit dark ridicule. Not long ago, Mr. Zhang will be replaced Sail a new hybrid Civic, though more expensive than the standard models, quite a lot, but lower than six years ago, nearly 180% rise in oil prices, the more so tens of thousands, or Huade Lai The.

Mr. Zhang, such as the first hybrid car owners do not enjoy more. In a variety of vehicles under its heavy reliance on advertising, people's desire to buy cars than the one two years ago, did not substantially increase, although more than a dozen million cars crowding together of the B-class car market for the consumer to fall lower and lower the threshold, but the high oil prices, the real problem remains the biggest obstacle. What to buy cars the most troublesome problem for consumers, large oil costs, small uncomfortable.

U.S. CNN survey of 10 models PA2487U in the most popular competitions in the fuel-efficient cars, Honda Civic and Toyota Prius, accounted for the top spot, but always proud of large displacement and the gasoline engine vehicles in the U.S. economic crisis and oil The double impact of price spikes began unpopular. In the United States West Coast and the San Francisco area, not only be able to see the Nissan hybrid vehicles, even taxis are Prius cars this kind of micro-displacement.

Obama administration last Wednesday announced a 2.4 billion allocated for new motor vehicles and spare parts development and help the U.S. build a new generation of leadership in automotive research and development. In addition to government funding, the developers will invest 2.4 billion U.S. dollars to finance the development of the project implementation, the direct effect is that of a difficult birth Chevrolet VOLT finally see hope for mass production. Zhe Liang R & D for many years in "Transformers," both reveal a common edge with the collapse of the car once stranded, "GM in the development of energy-efficient cars, or at least a generation behind Toyota, and now we try to use the Chevrolet Volt is leaps and bounds development, even if the costs even higher is also PA3107U-1BRS worth it. "former GM CEO Wagoner to Obama in the final, wrote a report on the work.

VOLT The most important feature is the charge at any time. Production version of the VOLT active force is lithium-ion batteries, when the vehicle is traveling between the city can guarantee the battery vehicles remain at 60 km above the trip, if the need to go farther, the gasoline and ethanol fuels, small-displacement the engine began to work, and merits and demerits vehicle power system for the lithium battery, until the electric drive restored. According to statistics, with the fuel consumption of 7.8 liters / 100 kilometers or so compared to the same level of cars, VOLT annual savings of gasoline 2000 liters.

In Japan, Nissan is also the full assembly of the next generation fuel cell vehicle Leaf, in an attempt to reverse the Prius showdown in failure. Leaf blue waist body "zero discharge" the word is very prominent. Allegedly, Leaf from the main power source PA3383U-1BRS composed of 48 lithium battery-powered module, through the electric motor can drive to a rapid 140 km, the charge saturated power circumstances can travel about 160 km. And the different hybrid cars, Leaf entirely by battery-powered, through the household socket can be fully charged within 8 hours, while in fast mode, 30 minutes to reach 80% of capacity sufficient to ensure the trip. Nissan spokesman, said at a news conference, although the Leaf is used in all battery-powered, but it will be a majority of people can afford to buy zero-emission vehicles. But for "most people" concept, Nissan has been no clear answer is given, only one-sided comparison with Fox, the new Golf or less the same pricing.

Perhaps Mr. Chang bought the new Civic a little bit earlier, in the new round of environmentally-friendly vehicle in front of gas-electric hybrid cars seemed out of date. In the 2009 Shanghai auto show, the concentration of 21 hybrid auto show has created the most previous. Among them, with full power and plug-in hybrids based. Although the new generation of fuel-efficient vehicle emission control in the obvious progress, with an average fuel consumption of 5.0L and further reduced to about one hundred kilometers, but how the problem of excessive charging and pricing is still contradiction. The one with the ordinary energy-saving hybrid cars mark a price of 25 million yuan, it is conceivable, even if the future of pure electric or plug-in hybrid to enter the Chinese PA3384U-1BRS market, prices are not low. Second, most gas stations do not have to install quick charger for the eco-car, although the hybrid cars use gasoline engine can recharge, but the lagging impact of a new generation of stations designed to the popularity of hybrids. But for now, Mr. Zhang's car, or brought him a lot of benefits. "I used the car 11 oil now is more than six, although I am not environmentalists, but I know to save gasoline is equivalent to reducing the pollution emissions, but also save money."

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